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We provide a wide range of gynecology services from preventative visits to management of gynecologic conditions including medical interventions, minimally invasive procedures, and surgeries.

GYN Services


Abnormal Period Management
Annual Preventative Visits
Birth Control
Breast Cancer Screening
Cervical Cancer Screening / Pap Smears
Female Sexual Dysfunction
Gynecologic Surgery
Infertility Treatment
Menopause / Postmenopause
MonaLisa Touch
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic Pain, Chronic and Acute
STI Testing / Treatment
Second Opinions on Management Options

STI Testing / Treatment

Our office provides confidential testing for and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), in addition to risk reduction counseling.

Testing for gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas and herpes is done through either a pelvic exam or urine study while testing for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis are most often done through blood work.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause precancerous/cancerous changes to the vaginal tissue and cervix as well as genital warts and can be diagnosed via pap smears and pelvic exams. There is also a vaccine for protection against the 9 most common strains of HPV to help prevent transmission and decrease effects of the disease. We offer the vaccine to our patients, which is currently FDA approved for ages 9-45.

Abnormal Period Management

While heavy, painful and/or irregular periods are common among women these are not things you should ever have to “just live with.” Sometimes, these conditions actually predispose women to problems down the road such as infertility and certain types of gynecologic cancers.


If you suffer from any of the above, we would be happy to consult with you to determine the cause of your abnormal bleeding and discuss your range of treatment options.

Annual Preventative Visits

The saying may be old, but it holds true: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!” We encourage women to schedule yearly exams and actively participate in the optimization of their own health through appropriate age based screening tests.


These include pap smears to screen for cervical cancer, mammograms to screen for breast cancer, colonoscopy referrals for colon cancer screening, bone density scans for osteoporosis and various labs to evaluate for cardiovascular risk and other medical problems.


Our recommendations are customized to each patient based on their current health and personal as well as family history.

Birth Control

While pregnancy is a happy time for many women, unintended pregnancy can be upsetting and scary for others.


We offer a complete range of contraception from education on natural family planning to permanent sterilization. This includes a careful assessment of your personal risk factors as some methods of birth control may not be appropriate for you based on other medical issues.

Breast Cancer Screening

On average, 1 in every 8 women in this country will be diagnosed with breast cancer over the course of a lifetime. ​


We utilize clinical breast exams and imaging to monitor women for development of breast cancer in order to promote early detection and timely treatment. Based on your personal and family history, you may be at higher risk of breast cancer than the average population.


We conduct individualized risk assessments to determine your specific needs in regard to timing and types of breast imaging as well as determine if you qualify for genetic testing for hereditary causes of breast and other GYN cancers.

Cervical Cancer Screening / Pap Smears

Almost all cases of cervical cancer can be caught and stopped before they occur! This requires your participation in screening exams through pap smears and human papilloma virus (HPV) co-testing.


The screening guidelines are rapidly evolving and based on continual research done by the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology. While we don’t expect getting your pap smear to be among your top 10 favorite activities, we strive to minimize any discomfort associated with this brief exam.


And there’s good news - while we encourage yearly exams to assess for other conditions, most women will only need a pap smear once every 3-5 years, depending on their age.


It gets even better… we now have a vaccine to protect against the 9 most common strains of HPV, which is the virus responsible for causing cervical cancer. This vaccine is approved for patients age 9-45 years old and available through our office as well as most pharmacies. 

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Sexuality is a large contributor to overall health, and its expression and definition are unique to each of us. In addition, our own sexual health evolves over the course of our lifespans and is subject to negative stigmatization in our culture.


Female sexual dysfunction is a broad category ranging from disorders of desire/libido to painful intercourse to inability to achieve orgasm, etc. It is extremely prevalent, affecting 43% of women. Despite this fact, it can be a difficult conversation for many women to have.


We encourage open dialogue about barriers to sexual health, and are happy to guide you toward resources that can help treat and prevent female sexual dysfunction. These can include mental health support, pelvic floor therapy, medications and/or surgical interventions.


Some women experience discomfort or pain with intercourse that can limit their enjoyment or even cause them to stop having intercourse.This can trigger emotional and relationship concerns that can deeply impact a couple’s life.


Painful intercourse can be from many different causes that may have simple or more intense treatment options. Our physicians are skilled in evaluating and helping a patient to explore and potentially resolve a myriad of problems that can cause painful intercourse. 

Gynecologic Surgery

Our physicians both specialize in minimally invasive GYN surgery. We provide a variety of procedures as outlined below.


  • Vaginal/Vulvar surgery

  • Pelvic organ prolapse surgery

  • Urinary incontinence surgery

  • Cystoscopy

  • Cervical procedures for evaluation/treatment of abnormal pap smears

    • Colposcopy

    • LEEP

    • Cone biopsies

  • Hysteroscopy, diagnostic and operative

  • Dilation and Curettage (D&C) for both GYN purposes and miscarriage management

  • Endometrial ablation

  • Hysterectomy

  • Laparoscopic Permanent Sterilization

  • Operative Laparoscopy for a variety of indications

    • Treatment of endometriosis

    • Treatment of pelvic adhesions

    • Removal of ovaries/ovarian cysts

    • Evaluation of pelvic pain

    • Evaluation of fallopian tubes for fertility

Infertility Treatment

Infertility affects up to 15% of couples and can be another problem that is hard to talk about. In our office, we are able to work patients and their partners up for various causes of infertility and initiate basic treatments when applicable.


The workup generally includes labs and ultrasound with the potential for surgical evaluation in some patients. Treatment most often includes regulation of menstrual cycle and oral medicine for ovulation induction in women with ovulatory dysfunction.


We also work with our colleagues both locally and in Anchorage who provide injectable medications and/or intrauterine insemination when needed.


Unfortunately, the state of Alaska does not have any sub-specialists in Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility (REI) however we maintain excellent relationships with these providers in the lower 48 and are used to coordinating advanced care with them when necessary for procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Menopause / Postmenopause

The transition through menopause is an experience unique to every woman. Many women experience troubling and disruptive symptoms during this time which are unfortunately normalized in our society as things that need to be “put up with.” Though this is a natural process, you do not have to suffer with bothersome symptoms!

​In addition, there is a lot of false information in circulation about the safety and efficacy of various treatments for such symptoms. We are passionate about helping women age gracefully through this period with minimal disruption to their quality of life.

Our approach is to follow evidence-based guidelines in order to provide treatments that are safe and effective based around your individual preferences and potential risk factors.

MonaLisa Touch

A Novel Laser for Gynecologic Health

Millions of women experience changes to their gynecologic health that affect their personal lives as a consequence. Now there’s a solution! MonaLisa Touch® is a simple, proven laser to help you feel like yourself again. 

MonaLisa Touch uses fractional laser technology to ablate small micro-columns of tissue. This leaves an ecosystem of healthy unaffected tissue to support rapid healing. 


  • Thousands of women have chosen MonaLisa Touch since 2012

  • Fast: <5 minute in-office procedure

  • Non-hormonal, chemical-free

  • Virtually no downtime 

You deserve to feel like yourself again, so ask us today if MonaLisa Touch is right for you!

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Women are subject to prolapse issues, which is another common but infrequently discussed health problem. While this condition is benign, it can lead to a variety of problems such as pain/pressure, discomfort with intercourse and difficulty with urination or defecation.

We specialize in putting together a customized treatment plan for patients to manage these symptoms. Treatments can range from therapy to use of pessary to surgical repair and will be tailored specifically to your medical needs and personal goals.

Pelvic Pain, Chronic and Acute

There are many causes of pelvic pain. Endometriosis and Interstitial Cystitis are some of the more common ones. When a woman experiences pelvic pain, it can interfere with many functions of life as well as sexual activity. Pelvic pain can be a sign of an underlying issue such as infection, bleeding, endometriosis or scar tissue to name a few.

When pain is cyclic and related to the menstrual cycle, evaluation and management options range from medical to surgical. Most pelvic pain can be managed, sometimes in conjunction with other specialists.

As experts in women’s health, we are equipped to diagnose the cause of your pelvic pain and discuss the variety of treatment options available to you so that you can return to your optimal health.

Second Opinions on Management Options

If you are considering a surgical option for management of a gynecologic condition and have any hesitation, question or concern,  our physicians are happy to review your case and give a second opinion.

The best second opinion you can have is one that agrees with the first opinion. We want you to feel completely comfortable with your decision and encourage you to obtain enough information to be so. We occasionally refer our patients out for a second opinion should they desire.

STI Testing / Treatment

Our office provides confidential testing for and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), in addition to risk reduction counseling.

Testing for gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas and herpes is done through either a pelvic exam or urine study while testing for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis are most often done through blood work.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause precancerous/cancerous changes to the vaginal tissue and cervix as well as genital warts and can be diagnosed via pap smears and pelvic exams. There is also a vaccine for protection against the 9 most common strains of HPV to help prevent transmission and decrease effects of the disease. We offer the vaccine to our patients, which is currently FDA approved for ages 9-45.

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